Combine – Add the ingredients to a mason jar and seal the lid. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, 4 Mistakes That Ruin Stuffing (and How to Fix Them), Nutrition If you don't have a mortar and pestle, chop the garlic, then use the side of a large knife and press the garlic with the salt to make a paste. Ingredients ⅓ cup roasted walnut oil 3 tablespoons sherry vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon kosher salt ½ teaspoon ground pepper Using roasted walnut oil in this healthy vinaigrette recipe gives this dressing a nutty flavor. Directions. Your email address will not be published. Blend the vinegar, garlic, oregano, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper in a blender until the garlic is finely chopped. © 2020 is part of the Allrecipes Food Group. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Cookbook author, recipe developer and work-at-home-mom based in North Carolina. While nothing is risk free, some activities are safer than others when it comes to COVID-19. dash of pepper. Everything you need for a delicious feast. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pound the garlic with 1/4 teaspoons salt in a mortar and pestle until it breaks down into a puree. 8 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. Clean Eating Freezer Meals on Amazon here, Tea Biscuits Recipe With Lavender and Chocolate Chips, 1 cup fresh or frozen and thawed, pitted cherries, 1 cup light flavored oil (I used grapeseed oil). 164 calories; proteing; carbohydrates 0.4g; dietary fiber 0.1g; sugars 0.1g; fat 18.1g 28% DV; saturated fat 1.7g 8% DV; cholesterolmg; vitamin a iu 1.8IU; vitamin c 1.5mg 3% DV; folate 0.8mcg; calcium 1.5mg; ironmg; magnesium 0.7mg; potassium 7.8mg; sodium 280.1mg 11% DV; thiaminmg. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. The Gracious Pantry is an ever-growing collection of real food recipes and cooking information. Homemade stuffing is ridiculously easy to make, but there are a few things you can do that would ruin a perfectly good stuffing. All Right Reserved. My focus is to further support the real food movement and inspire people to store, prep and cook with real food. In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, salt, pepper and shallots until the … Look for walnut oil near other specialty oils in your grocery store. Whisk oil, vinegar, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a large bowl until well combined. Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days; bring to room temperature just before serving. START EATING CLEAN WITHOUT FEELING OVERWHELMED, Tiffany McCauley | The Gracious, Clean Eating Fire Pit Thyme And Apple Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe ». The Gracious Pantry®. 1 tbsp minced garlic. With the blender running, slowly blend in the oil. All Rights Reserved. Ingredients. EatingWell may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Combine the garlic, vinegar, and mustard in a small bowl, then whisk in the oil and seasoning with pepper. Info. 4 tbsp sherry cooking wine. Content on this web site may not be duplicated or used without written permission. 2 tbsp dijon mustard. dash of salt. Preparation Step 1 Stir shallot, vinegar, lemon juice, and mustard in a small bowl and let macerate for at least 15 minutes. Rate This Recipe. IMPORTANT: Be sure all the cherries are pitted! Creamy sherry vinaigrette dressing.