Many people want to live quiet, peaceful lives. Examples of noun phrases Take a look at the example sentences below and think about which part of the sentence is a noun phrase. A noun phraseis a word or group of words in a sentence that acts like a noun. Example A sailor’s best friend is a wide, open sea The noun phrase ‘a wide, open sea’ gives us more information about the sailor’s best friend, the sea. Often a noun phrase is just a noun or a pronoun: People like to have money. A compliment re-states or gives more information about a noun. The noun ‘children’ is modified by the determiner ‘all’. It can also be the object of a preposition. An example of a possessive noun would be the "boss's car," meaning the car that belongs to the boss. Let's take a closer look at the foundation of these phrases and nouns, and explore the different ways noun phrases can be used. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb. Thank you so much. 7.The little fluffy puppy is ready to adopt. No matter their form or function, noun phrases form fuller ideas. All children should have access to a free education. The noun and prepositional phrase combine to make the noun phrase ‘monsters in the closet’. Like all nouns, a noun phrase can be a subject, object, or complement. The noun phrase ‘a wide, open sea’ gives us more information about the sailor’s best friend, the sea. 16.The decision to marry was celebrated by all his friends. The determiner ‘all’ answers the question ‘How many children?’ The noun phrase ‘all children’ is the subject of the sentence. Investigate phrase examples to learn more about building illustrative sentences that will stick in your readers' minds forever. The determiner ‘those’ tells us which people are friendly. The sentence functions as a “good pop song” instead of just “singing.” It acts as a complement to the pronoun and is a complement because it gives more information about the subject. The modifiers may also be determiners. When we look at the structure of writing, we treat a noun phrase the same way we treat a common noun. It always follows a state-of-being verb (is, are, am, will be, was, were). An indirect object receives the direct object. Nouns can act as objects, subjects and prepositions, as well as noun sentences. This sentence is clearly about the small number of wild Pandas, and so ‘very few giant pandas’ is the subject of the sentence. Instead of just talking about a dog, you can add an adjective to that noun and discuss a spotted dog. Grandma cooked a meal for ten people, even though there were only four of us. An article is always connected to a noun, and so when one is used it is always part of a noun phrase. A noun phrase usually contains a noun plus other words to describe it. Noun expressions are simply known as modifier nouns. Just as nouns can act as subjects, objects, and prepositional objects, so can noun phrases. Some of the different types of nouns include: Nouns generally function in sentences as subjects and objects. Therefore it acts as a compl… In this sentence ‘your’ is clarifying to which dog Max gave a biscuit to. 6.The grandmother cooked for ten people, even though we were only four. 13.They kindly offered water to the worker working in the hot weather. It really help me a lot. Trudy gave her hungry, crying baby a bottle. (This noun sentence is the subject of the sentence. Noun phrases are simply nouns with modifiers. The noun phrase is acting as the subject in this example. You will quickly note that many nouns have articles (a, an, the) attached to them. ". Determiners answer questions such as ‘Which one?’, ‘Whose?’, ‘How many?”, or ‘How much?’. Similarly, in a sentence of ” noun phrase”, participants can work as adjectives, infinitives and prepositions or absolute sentences. Similarly, noun phrases can also work in a sentence as adjectives, participles, infinitives, and prepositional or absolute phrases. Instead of just saying “song,” Kesha sees “a good pop song” in anything. If he comes before the noun, he will be a benevolent noun, possessive pronoun, adjective or participant. It is used to differentiate between similar nouns. A noun phrase is a group of words that work together to name and describe a person, place, thing, or idea. In between these two words is the adjective ‘enormous’. However, the last word must be the name. 1. The pirate buried his treasure on an island for retirement. But, that noun may be described by adding modifiers, and adding modifiers to a noun creates a noun phrase. The phrase acts as a complement to the subject pronoun ‘there’. The verb in this sentence is ‘cooked’, and the object that is being cooked is ‘a meal.’ The rest of the phrase ‘for ten people’ creates a noun phrase that acts as a direct object. The noun phrase ‘the river’ is the subject of the sentence. Some of the most common functions of noun phrases … Sometimes, nouns can also act like an adjective, as in "water heater" where "water" modifies "heater." Among the modifiers that come after the nouns are prepositions, adjective phrases, participant statements and infinitives. If it comes before the noun it's likely to be an article, possessive noun, possessive pronoun, adjective, or participle. This noun phrase begins with the article ‘an’. 10.He wants a cute kitten for Christmas purposes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 25 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences, 50 Daily Use English Sentences, Example Sentences, 50 examples of direct and indirect speech, 28 Examples of Simple Sentences in English, Opposite Of Happy, Antonyms of Happy, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Permanent, Antonyms of Permanent, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Cruel, Antonyms of Cruel, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Rude, Antonyms of Rude, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Little, Antonyms of Little, Meaning and Example Sentences. 11.Jesica lives in a house that produces electricity. In other words, this sentence is about ‘fast, black fox’. Modifiers that come after the noun include prepositional phrases, adjective clauses, participle phrases, and infinitives. I think there’s a good pop song in pretty much anything -Kesha, pop singer. 1.The fast black fox jumped over the lazy dog. A determiner is a word that clarifies a noun. While that might seem tricky to grasp, the best way to understand these useful phrases is to see them in action. My little brother always feared monsters in the closet. (Albert Einstein, 1879-1955) Noun phrases are groups of words that function like a noun. Instead of just saying they walked into the sunset, you can describe the scene with his laughter ringing through the air. Since there are so many of them, they can be grouped into many different categories. 19.The girl, whose face was red with embarrassment, sat next to the man she was wearing. The noun is 'lake', the determiner is 'the' and 'huge' is the adjective. However, they can also modify other words by being possessive or an appositive. A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Which of the following is a type of noun phrase. English Example Sentences, 20 Sentences of Noun Phrase. 18.He had to sit next to his scary and angry child. Noun expressions are simply known as modifier nouns. The article and the adjective are both modifiers describing the noun in the noun phrase ‘an enormous tree’. 14.He knew how to defend himself as a lawyer child. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Here, the four words ‘a good pop song’ work together as a noun phrase. They describe what kind of lives people want. This noun phrase is the subject of the sentence. This noun phrase has two adjectives: ‘quiet’ and ‘peaceful’. A noun phrase has two parts: a noun, and any modifiers connected to that noun. The prepositional phrase ‘in the closet’ modifies (describes) the noun ‘monster’. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One of the most important aspects to understand an English sentence is to understand the “noun phrase” structures in that sentence. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The modifiers can come before or after the name. Therefore it acts as a complement to the noun phrase ‘best friend’.