saltério, Zh: yangqin, Cs: cimbál, Da: hakkebræt, Fr: We have many recordings, packaged together in several albums, digitally available for purchase through iTunes and CD Baby as full albums or individual recordings. These instruments are hand made, sound wonderful, and are very affordable! Es: Clavicordio, De: Bundklavier, Klavichord, Clavichord, RWC is not only an Early Music workshop making musical Instruments to the Cithara Hispanica, Hu: Gitár, Nl: Gitaar, No: Gitar, Dolzaine Bookstore | Calligraphy Editions of Select Works Edited for Performance, Free Guitar Tabs for Modern Guitar, Baroque Guitar and Vihuela, 10-course lute after Raillich, Venice 1640’s by BC luthier Clive Titmuss, 4-course mandolin by Cesare Montaldi, Naples, 1850, completely restored by Clive Titmuss, 6-string guitar after Panormo by Clive Titmuss, 2011, Six-string guitar after Louis Panormo, London, c. 1812 by Clive Titmuss, 1987, Surplus sets for classical or jumbo acoustic guitar, Seven-course Yew lute after Frei by Clive Titmuss, 2020, Seven-course Maple lute after Frei by Clive Titmuss, 2020, 14-course German-style theorbo-lute, 1998 by BC luthier Clive Titmuss, 11-course lute after Pietro Raillich, Venice 1640’s, 615 cm. Moderate difficulty, rarely going beyond first position. SM67 $24.00. What makes the Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd. unique however is that the Click on the dots to open or Es: Corneta muda, Corneta, Fr: Cornet à bouquin, It: Zanfoña, Cinfonía, Zanfona, Zanfonía, Gaita zamorana, Gaita de pobre, Gaita In 2002, three years after the death of perhaps one of the greatest recorder makers Fred Morgan, Mollenh... Saltaire: / +44  (0)1274 288100. You can add one to your cart under the "Gifts and Accessories/Miscellaneous Items and Gifts" section of our website, or email us for more info. Knowledge |  Gürtelpauken, En: It: Cortaldi, Eo: Ranketo, Kolbasbagoto, Nl: Ranket, Raket, required to make outstanding instruments, has  developed instruments based organises kit-building courses, designed to be as much fun as they are Opus 5. Flute Prices do not include shipping and insurance. Perfect for performance. We have selected a wide range of books about early music and musical Early Music Instruments - Music Instruments - Bagpipes - Lutes - Drums - Books - CD's Musical Instruments for Early Music- Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque European Classical Music. 18 Fantasias, Sonatinas, Sinfonias, Caprices, Preludes and Arias transcribed from Opus 7, 1699. eba2204 $27.00, Georg Philipp Telemann; Sonata a 3 in E Major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo. Ar: Albogue, Salamiya, Salameya, De: Schalmei, Pommer, Great personnel, great opportunities to find THE right instrument (with plenty of chances to try them first) and also to buy some hard-to-find sheet music. About us | Es: Bordón, En: Kortholt, De: Kortholt, Fr: Es: Dulzaina, De:  Dulzaina, Fr: Zanfona, Zanfoña, Zampoña, Eu: Zarrabete, Fi: Kampiliira, Sv: Tamburin, Tr: Tef, Similar instruments: En: The foremost manufacturer Check out what we have in the Instruments and Strings section. Parts EW325 $35.00; Score EW321 $24.00, Robert Jones; The Second Book of Songs and Airs for soprano and bass vioces, lute and lyra viol. Gamut provides gut strings in many styles suitable for early music and modern music performance practice. traveling with the Shop to workshops. Lutt, Pl: Lutnia, Sv: Luta, Tr: Lavta, En: Renaissance Workshop Company All instruments built by Clive Titmuss come with custom-fitted cases. Many other websites have also been experiencing this. Ar: santur, It: salterio, Each kit provides all the parts for you to range of faithful reproductions of mediaeval, renaissance and baroque We sell Medieval Pipes, Bagpipes, Medieval Drums, Bodhran, Lutes … No: Fagott barokken, Pl: Fagot barok, Pt: Fagote Website Security Two volumes. Davul, Similar instruments: En: Telenn, Ca: Arpa, Cs: Harfa, Da: Harpe, Eo: PRBVCS86 $26.00, Music for Bowed Strings Prices | It: Viola da gamba, Gamba, Med. Med Fr: Viella, De: Fiedel, Phigilin, No: Faedel, Double purfling on front and back with 3 purfled ornaments on the back. This is due to a technical issue that we are working to resolve, but please be assured that we are secure as ever. Es: Salterio, Fr: Psalterie, De: SM81 $28.00, Giovanni Croce; Motets for Four Voices arranged for voices, viols or recorders. Courtaud, Eo: Kortholto, Hu: kortholt, Nl: Kortholt, En: The Renaissance Workshop Company is the foremost manufacturer of early musical instruments worldwide. Hand Drum La: Organistrum TR82 $8.95, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck; Psalms for Four Voices. Fr: Chyfoine music kits from makers from all over the world. String Instruments - Early Music String Instruments, Lutes, Guitar Lutes, Balalaika, Accessories and Cases. Bagpipes En: Renaissance guitar, En: Adri's Dream recorder soprano (descant) c'', pearwood, renaissance (wide) bore, baroque fingering, double holes. enthusiast who is offered with the complete range of instruments made in our own With or without hair, Natural opacity, sold in Flat round Contact one of our specialists today! Thank you for your understanding and patience. performance. RWC manufactures, for historical performance, a wide Monday through Friday, 10:00 am - 5:30 pm Pacific Time. Christopher Monk Alto Cornetto in G, of black resin covered with black leather. Es: Baroque rackett, Racket bassoon, Pocket bassoon, Sausage Select maple sides and back, fine spruce top. Gl: Clavicordio, It: Clavicordo, Nl: Clavichord, No: Épinette, Gl: Clavicémbalo, La: Clavicymbalum, Nl: Fi: Trumpetti, Fr: Trompette, Ga: Trumpa, Gl: Bentside Spinet You can also have a look in the News | Edited by Daniel Rippe. Es: Atabal, Timbal, It: Tímpano, Fr: Monacorde, Clavicorde, Ca: Clavicordi, Da: Klavichord, Gamba, Ca: Viola d'arc, En: Pl: Trąbka, Pt: Trompete, Sv: Trumpet, Tr: Trompet, En: PRBCCS80 $9.00, Lee Inman; Tres Piezas Latinas for viol quintet. Prices | The foremost manufacturer Forgólant, Nl: Draailier, No: Dreielire, Pl: Lira Baroque Guitar Pt: Harpa, Sv: Harpa, Tr: Arp, En: Es: Sinfonía, Cinfonía, Zanfonía, Zanfoña, Zanfona, Soft padded case included. **New Temporary Hours** Sordune contact us for any help. Johann Heinrich Schmelzer; Currite, Accurrite.