The capital city, Kuala Lumpur, houses seven great mosques. View or download Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayer times on the go in either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly calendar formats. Next prayer will be Fajr inshaa allah at Kuala lumpur city time. The time zone used for calculation is Asia/Kuala_Lumpur. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Kuala Lumpur, Dhuhur, Asr time in Kuala Lumpur, Maghrib Kuala Lumpur prayer times & Isha Kuala Lumpur Namaz timing. Prayer times › Malaysia › Kuala lumpur. Dhuhr Remaining time. Prayer times today in Kuala lumpur, Malaysia and prayer times for all seven days of this week. Get prayer times in Klang. What are the prayer times for Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia ? On this page you can find the exact prayer times in in Kuala Lumpur for today and for any other period — day, week, month and even year. 05:57:32. The latitude is 3.16666670 and the longitude is 101.70000000 for Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fajr prayer in Kuala Lumpur begins at 5:48 AM according to MWL and maghrib prayer at 7:02 PM.The distance from Kuala Lumpur [latitude : 3.1412, longitude : 101.68653] to Makkah is . Calculate Islamic namaz timing in Klang, Malaysia for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.-JAKIM - Klang, SGR Kuala Lumpur Prayer Times - Today 21 Nov 2020 Kuala Lumpur Namaz Timings are Fajr 5:47 AM, Dhuhr 12:59 PM, Asr 4:22 PM, Maghrib 6:58 PM & Isha 8:07 PM. Kuala lumpur Prayer times and Azan. Muslims must follow the 5 prayers (fajr, dhuhr, asr, maghrib, isha) at specific times, according to the position of the sun. Find Azan and Salat Schedule & 7 Days Timetable. Kuala lumpur Time 07:00:28 AM; Next Azan:Dhuhr; Dhuhr Azan time: 12:58 PM; Prayer times › Malaysia › Kuala lumpur. The major religion in Malaysia is Islam. Mobile friendly prayer times for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Namaz times Kuala Lumpur (islamic prayer times) (today 07 november 2020) Hello friends! The population of Kuala Lumpur … Prayer times today at Kuala lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur Prayer Times 2020, Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Islamic Prayer Time, Muslim Salah Timing, Kuala Lumpur Salat Times, time in Kuala Lumpur About 61.3% of the population identify as Muslims. Kuala lumpur Prayer times and Azan. Kuala Lumpur prayer timings may vary according to one’s location. 00:03:24. Calc Method: Juristic Methods: Time format: Remaining to Fajr azan. Kuala lumpur Prayer times and Azan. Fajr 5:45 AM; Sunrise 7:00 AM; Dhuhr 12:59 PM; Asr 4:22 PM; Maghrib 6:58 PM; Isha 8:28 PM; Settings . Kuala Lumpur Malaysia is currently in standard time. Namaz is a canonical prayer and an integral part of the Islamic religion. Time zone difference from UTC is 8:0 hours. Date: 2020-11-20 . Prayer times Hijri date Date converter Hijri calendar AR. Today's 06 Rabi Al-Akhar 1442 Kuala Lumpur …